MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Thursday 31 October 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction to Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

As I mentioned in the last post I have joined Tamati's group to succeed in making his game called Nibiru. His game takes the theme and the storyline similar to the legend and tales of "Nibiru". The ancient tales say that Nibiru is what our planet will be called, after in the distant future when it collides with a planetary object. Kind of like an Armageddon, the end of humanity as we know it. Our game has a strong narrative which means our level progression will be very important. The main mechanic for our game is gravity shift, where the player is able to change the gravity and move on the ceiling, and also moving obstacles at the same time. This will be used to unlock new areas to finish the level and also to kill enemies since he is not able to physically kill anyone as he has no attacks. The level progression and plans will be written in the next blog post.

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