MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Wednesday 17 July 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction to Computer Game Design

Project 1: Variations

I was researching game mechanics on the internet and found a useful website that showed me a diagram for games relating to its game mechanics. The diagram explains games and their mechanics in 4 different stages.

The first if the Core Mechanic. This is the mechanic in the game that is used the most frequently, for example in Mario the core mechanic is jumping. 

The next is the Secondary Mechanic, which is the one that has the least interaction in the game. In Mario, it would be such things as removing enemies and collecting coins.

Progression is the next one and it is the source of change within the game system.

The last is the Narrative, which puts together all inner layers into context. And of course we all know what the narrative is of Mario, and that is to save the princess.
Image Retrieved from

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