MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Saturday 10 August 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction to Computer Game Design

Project Two: Prototype


- Sketch and iterate multiple game concepts with a simple communicative game mechanics
- Design and paper prototype a simple 2D game with a strong core game mechanic
- Sketch game characters/environments/assets
- Prototype the initial game mechanic using interactive characters/environments

Hand-in Requirements:

- Development sketches of multiple game ideas
- Game design proposal: articulate the game mechanic, aesthetic goals and environmental theme
- Paper prototype concept. Document this appropriately, particularly the early wear-tests that you conduct with your classmates. Digitise appropriately (high resolution photos, scanned drawings and concepts with annotations, and videos of interaction) for documentation purposes
- Digital interactive prototype of character/environment


- Commando style main character with a paint gun that destroys "graffiti spray can" gang
- Slender style game in a top down view. Player must collect light sources to proceed through game to get away from the darkness.
- 2D game that features insane looking animals trying to dodge poachers
- Dragonball style game where "Paintman" distinguishes all the graffiti in the world where he uses his Kamehameha-paint blast

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