MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Sunday 11 August 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project Two: Prototype

After having a talk to a couple of the tutors, they have given me some good and helpful feedback on my ideas. I have thought about all my ideas for the main game concept that I need to have and have come up with a proposal. I chose to go with the idea of having crazy animals and poachers. So this is how it works:

- It will be a 2D style auto-scroller game
- The main mechanic will be "Jump", players can do this by either swiping up (if touch screen) or simply pressing a key for computer
- The player will need to jump over certain obstacles and to dodge over incoming waves of poachers and bad guys
- Instead of having crystal clear graphics, the game will be pixelated for a more retro style game but with a modern gameplay feel to it
- There will be a narrative to the game as well, where the levels are progressed as the run is finished by that animal
- I will not incorporate a health system to the game, if you land or get hit by a bad guy, game over
- I will incorporate power ups into the game however, with every animal having distinctive moves

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