MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Friday 1 November 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

Finalised, feedback, thoughts and other things..

Week 1-6:

Group work sessions attended out of 4

Jay 4
Ethan 4
Tamati 1
Tammy 1

Week 7-8:

Group work sessions attended out of 3

Jay 3
Ethan 3
Tamati 1
Tammy 0

Week 8-10:

Group work sessions attended out of 3

Jay 3
Ethan 3
Tamati 2
Tammy 0

As you can see from the meetings and group sessions we had, Ethan and I were there every single time. I was really disappointed that one person from our group did not show up at all and contributed nothing to our game. Tamati our group leader had created good maps in the end and I'd have to say makes up for his contribution and absence during the first 6-8 weeks of this project. Ethan by far has been the most helpful person during this whole experience, since him and myself were always the ones cracking down on the game every single night that we were at my place. He has done well with the coding as it was his first time using Stencyl as well, and was glad that he was in the team with myself to create a game that we had finished in the end on time.

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

To finish our game off, I made the end of the prologue screen. I made a broken shard that glows then the words come up and hit you with the name of our game, Nibiru. 

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

For the 3rd level, we have breakable objects that are also interactive that we needed to create animations for. We had grates in the sewer level which would break when the barrel touches it, which would also break. We also had Tamati's original enemy that needed a death animation which I quickly created a simple one that worked just fine with one frame.

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

With every hero, comes an enemy. So i decided to create an enemy that would be part human and part mutant. I came up with a silhouetted bad guy that has 4 arms that are all sharp and monster like feet. It screeches throughout the darkness and strikes when it gets close. I've also added at the bottom the death animation of this enemy since the only way to kill it is to crush it by an object, so I've done this which looks cool.

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

Beta presentation

This time around, the turn out for our team was a bit better. Our game has come a long way since our last presentation. So all of us were there today and out of the 4 of us, 3 of us have so far done work on the game. The game does still have some improvements to be made and we still need to create 2 more levels. So the plan is from now on, Ethan will do all the code the same as usual and we will upload all of our files to him, Tamati will create all the maps since he has created the first and second level for our beta stage. This is because we still wanted the same artwork style throughout all of the game. For myself, I will be creating and finishing off the final touches for the character. And on top of that, I have been handed all the sprite work now too since the rest of my group are very disappointed on our last team member who has yet done nothing for the game after 8+ weeks now. It is such a let down but is a good learning experience on group work. So, the final road ahead..

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

Once again just like the last presentation, I was forced to do a sprite which was our main sprite in the game which was the shard. I pictured it to look like a crystal like object that had a glow to it with the same colour as our sun. In it's idle form, it floats there on the level glowing occasionally. Once the character picks it up it explodes into a several shard like pieces.

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

Now that we've figured out the code for the gravity, it was time for me to create the animation for where the character flips upside down and starts walking on the ceiling. This is what I have designed and it looked pretty cool too so I was quite happy with it. The only thing was we couldn't figure out how the character could be facing left on the roof, since the animation was forcing it to look that way. Another speed bump on the highway to our goal..