MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Friday 1 November 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

The maps that I uploaded are the maps that Ethan and myself have redesigned. The top is Ethan's and the bottom is mine. Ethan has changed the layout a little bit and has added the elevators on the right hand side of the map with different exit signs on the left compared tot he last map that Tamati originally designed. Although this was a bit better, I had to change it again to the design on the bottom since because the spacing between each floor. I knew the original would be too thin for our tiling set up on our game, so I made every tile exactly 100x100 so it would be more efficient. I also made them plain black so the tiling can be simple to use and add, plus it made the map higher so the players can't see too much of the map from their screen bounds.

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