MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Friday 1 November 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

Finalised, feedback, thoughts and other things..

Week 1-6:

Group work sessions attended out of 4

Jay 4
Ethan 4
Tamati 1
Tammy 1

Week 7-8:

Group work sessions attended out of 3

Jay 3
Ethan 3
Tamati 1
Tammy 0

Week 8-10:

Group work sessions attended out of 3

Jay 3
Ethan 3
Tamati 2
Tammy 0

As you can see from the meetings and group sessions we had, Ethan and I were there every single time. I was really disappointed that one person from our group did not show up at all and contributed nothing to our game. Tamati our group leader had created good maps in the end and I'd have to say makes up for his contribution and absence during the first 6-8 weeks of this project. Ethan by far has been the most helpful person during this whole experience, since him and myself were always the ones cracking down on the game every single night that we were at my place. He has done well with the coding as it was his first time using Stencyl as well, and was glad that he was in the team with myself to create a game that we had finished in the end on time.

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