MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Friday 1 November 2013

MDDN 243

Introduction To Computer Game Design

Project 3: Symbiosis

After meeting up, we decided on the plan for our project which will work as a schedule for us. We also worked out what each of us will be working on.

Myself: I will be working on all of the animations for the game but mostly working on the character itself. I will have to create several designs of the character based on Tama's game and to have the animations of walking and gravity flying etc.

Ethan: He will be working on our code for the game since he has the most experience with coding out of all of us. So all the files the rest of us create and all of our designs will be sent to him since he will be the one mainly on Stencyl.

Tamati: He will be creating our levels since myself and Ethan decided that we want to have the same artwork style between each map, instead of all of us creating one map each between ourselves. Tama will also be working on the sound for our game since he is a musician and has the most experienced with sound.

Tammy: We decided for her to do the rest and fill in the gaps and to work on the sprites for our game, which we will include in all our maps/levels. Also if there is anything that we miss out on and forget to do or don't have time for, she will be the one to see and help us sort out.

Here is what we came up with:

Week 1:
Our plan for the first week was to work out the code on the program we are using which will be Stencyl. The code will be the foundation for our project as it will help us work out how the gravity will work amongst all the other essential mechanics on our game. Also during this first week, we will design the layout for our first level which will be in the asylum. I have created a template for all the levels as well on photoshop to make it easier on my team to design, which I will upload in the following post.

Week 2:
This next week we plan to have the character created, along with the enemies as well. I put my hand up for the character straight away because I know it'd be my strongest field involving several styles of artwork.

Week 3:
During this week, we will be creating the gravity shards for our game, which Tammy will hopefully be doing for us along with the animations of the glow and the blowing up/or pick up animation for it. Also along with this week, we will be doing the sounds and finding the effects we need for such things like the walking for the character I create, the pickup and explode sound effects and other sounds like the background ambience. We also had planned to create a HUD for the player so it'll be easier to navigate around the map, but we are still thinking about that since it will be a black and white game similar to limbo, which didn't use anything like that. 

Week 4:
For this week we will work on the aesthetics of the game and the interactive objects for the maps which will hopefully be all done by this time, since our time frame is quite narrow. Also the sounds integrated in the map so they're all worked out perfectly and runs smoothly.

Week 5:
This week we plan to debug our game so we give ourselves room to breathe. Also if we have time we might create a tutorial level to make it easier for the player to learn the controls. This is also under discussion since once again limbo does not have a tutorial and the movements are pretty basic and easy to learn.

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