MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Monday 15 April 2013

MDDN 241

Project 2A

"The power of digital animation gives a designer the ability to bring life to the inanimate in ways that were previously inaccessible"

This project is pretty self-explanatory. We are required to design a character all within it's pre-production. This character has to have 3 qualities:

-- Materiality
-- Motion
-- Meaning

From this we will plan, model and texture our character ready for it to be presented on a 360 degree rotating turntable animation. I will pay extra attention to the way it moves, the personality it possesses, and the environment it habitats. For the narrative, the character must overcome some sort of environmental obstacle or situation. A storyboard consisting of at least 18 illustrated scenes will be created as well to pre-visualize key elements within the composition.  

Information provided and quoted from

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