MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Tuesday 16 April 2013

MDDN 241

Project 2A

Ideas ideas ideas..

Like all projects that I have, I always have the final finished product in my mind right at the start. The narrative and context I have plenty of ideas on. but my character; I have no idea. So where to begin? First off I'll need to figure out what materials, motion and what meaning to have, then and only then will I be able to decide on my character.

[ Materiality ]

Something organic? This will be useful for something that I would want to grow, or have in an environment such as a forest. Organic could include materials like wood, vegetables and fruits, flesh, animal skin.

Something liquid? This will be useful for a character that lives in wet areas like the ocean or river bed. Such materials can be as simple as water, or oil. There is also blood, lava and milk.

Something raw? Similar to organic materials, raw materials usually are the materials used more often in todays markets. This can consist of such materials as timber, tobacco, sugar, spices, silver, gold etc. Pretty profitable which could also have some meaning behind it.

Something processed? This will include pretty much the rest of the main materials such as paper and metal and glass. Any of these can be used in most environments and could give me access to almost any character choices.

[ Motion ]

There are a lot of inanimate things out there that have an interesting movement to it. I have come up with a few possible ones that I have thought of. 

Something that leaps/jumps? This could include such things as a spring. A spring could be used to launch the character around and also bounce it everywhere. A mousetrap? This would be an instant jump compared to your normal spring, kind of like spring-boarding yourself off something. 

[ Meaning ]

There are a lot of objects out there that have a lot of meaning to it, even some that have little meaning can be used. I thought of something that would have great meaning to it but twist it a little and do the exact opposite of it. Something like a soft toy that's cuddly but isn't cuddly, if that makes sense..

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