MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Thursday 14 March 2013

MDDN 241

Project 1

For the first part of this project, we are required to have 3 concept sketches of our first ideas. We were given recommended precedents which are:

- Hannah Hoch
She was best known for her photomontages, and upon researching and browsing through her work I found that she has a lot of few abstract forms within her work. Although her work is definitely interesting, it didn't inspire me with any ideas.

- Lazlo Moholy-Nagy
He was a great painter and a photographer and was highly influenced by constructivism. I like his work because it is plain and simple in some cases and got a few ideas from the photography of some of the architecture within the images.

- Salvador Dali
He was a very interesting surrealist painter with amazing artwork that just gave me the inspiration that I had needed. I like the many shapes and forms in his paintings, very abstract.

- Francis Bacon
He was a very graphic and emotional figurative painter. He has some work that have good use of abstract forms in them but I didn't find any use for them when coming up with my ideas, mainly because he with people's faces.

- Patricia Piccinini
She is a hyperrealist sculptor, with a lot of strange but yet interesting designs. It's definitely something I have never seen before and although I would like to look into her work more, I don't think I will be using anything like this for my project. It just doesn't fit my, style? Yes, that's the one.

- Damien Hirst
He is an entrepreneur and an art collector. Most of the work that I had a look at by him were animals, but similar to Piccinini's work; they were out of the ordinary. As fascinated as I am, I don't think I'll be using him as my artist model either.

Other things I decided to research were just normal shapes and forms, and also found some cool game inspirations that will help me get ideas for my concepts that I can later on develop more in depth.

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