MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Thursday 14 March 2013

MDDN 241

Project 1


After researching through countless images and precedents trying to find the inspiration that I had needed, I finally came to the final..of my concepts. I have decided to make things more difficult for myself as usual and attempt to use my tablet (iPad) to draw them digitally, using the program that I had recently bought called SketchBook Pro. Of course it was my first time using it but I am happy with how the drawings turned out in the end and they really show what my ideas are. 

The first concept came from the game Prototype of course. I chose to start it off with something that looks solid but seems to have something liquified inside it, almost like it's infected with something. I have added shadows to my objects as well to label if it is on the ground or not. This first one shows the dark and evil overpowering it's outer shell, shrinking its natural shape. Gradually overtime, it bursts out to a whole new form which looks like the true form of what was once the red infection of the first shape. 

The second concept was inspired from an image that I had  seen on deviantart. I have created a solid black form with 3 fluid forms floating around it, creating a a clustered shape as a whole. The black mysterious shape gradually absorbs the other shapes to then create something heavy and solid, which drops onto the ground.

My last concept was inspired by Salvador Dali. This shape starts off with a very flexible and fluid form then falls and slips down to the ground to create something solid and organic, almost tree-like. I chose the colours because they are opposites. With purple being the liquid and green being the more solid and organic shape, promoting each others forms.

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