MDDN 241

MDDN 243

CCDN 271

CCDN 231

Friday 29 March 2013

MDDN 241

Project 1


So my previous texture that I used wasn't quite fit for match for what I need to do. I need to make a texture that will look like a planet, and I've got 4 textures below, some slightly photoshopped but I guess that would be okay. The first one looks really grungy and the amount of red strapped onto a sphere would almost look like continents. However I don't think I will use this one just because it barely has any colour spacing. The second image would look great if it were to move, almost like a red ocean texture in the sphere. The third texture would also look cool as it has that grunge style to it. The only problem with this one is that is it quite dark on the borders so it might not look that all great on the sphere. The last one however is my favourite, as you can't quite put your finger onto what kind of texture it is. It is rocky however and will add a great texture to the sphere/planet. 

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